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Report on Thanks Giving Day

International women's day
International women's day
Report on Thanks Giving Day

There is always something to be Thankful For “A grateful Heart is a magnet for miracles” A true saying which tells us the importance of being grateful for the little things and people that make our life beautiful & meaningful. Bringing this into reality, so the institute has decided to celebrate the Thanking Giving Day on 29th May, 2023 our faculty Prof. Neha Sharma along with students visited Jogeshwari Hospital and greeted the staff of hospital as well as the staff of police station.

A special program was organized by the students of MMS for creating awareness and appreciating the services rendered by the government department which are precious and can’t be measured in value. Because of them we are safe and moving freely without any fear, it is because of their efforts and continuous patrolling, it is none other than the police department.

We are healthy and are being treated well as and when we feel sick, they are doing their job tirelessly without any complaint and discrimination. This is none other than our nearby hospitals. Most of the time these departments are not even given respect because of their nature of work. Here we at HKIMSR feel that it’s our duty to recognize the work done by these departments and give them respect for what they are doing for us.
To quote a few words from these departments, they felt very happy because this was happening for the first time in their respective departments by an institution like ours. Head of the police and Head of the hospital thanked us for the activity and equally they greeted us for having such an event.

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